Socially And Community Conscious,
I Will Be There For You

About Me
Current Occupation
President, Alianza de Damas Unidas, Inc. (501c3)
Previous Occupation
Director, NYC Commission on Human Rights, Admissions/Financial Aid Officer; Boricua College, Clerk, NYC Board of Elections
Kingsborough Community College, Brooklyn, N.Y. and NYC College
Organizational Affiliations
Member, Institute of Multicultural Communication Cooperation and Development, Inc., Member, Local 154 DC 37, Former Member/President Board of Directors, San Martin de Porres Day Care Center in Bushwick, Former Vice-President, United Graham Avenue Merchants Association, Former Member, City Line Lions Club, Founder Member: Brooklyn Three Kings Day Parade, Theater 4 and Pregones Traveling Theater.
Prior Public Experience
Director, NYC Commission on Human Rights, Member/President, Community School Board 19 in Brooklyn, Clerk, NYC Board of Elections
Heriberto Mateo for State Committee Male
Candidate Statement
I’m a long-time resident of Cypress Hills/East New York section of Brooklyn and married to the former Gladys Roman.
I have over 35 years of varied and enriching work experience, much of which was acquired while I attended college. I have worked as a clerk, production and warehouse supervisor, admissions and financial aid officer, and as a director and principal human rights specialist. In addition, I have taught Drama and Physical Education to young adults.
Since I arrived in New York City, I have been deeply involved in community affairs. I have been involved in cultural, social, political as well charitable activities in Cypress Hills, Bushwick, and East New York communities. Some of my accomplishments in the 54th Assembly District are the construction of a new building for P.S. 7 in Cypress Hills
and the renovation of San Martin de Porres Day Care Center in Bushwick.
My dedication to the residents and the children of my community led me to run for the local Community School Board 19. As a School Board Member and President, I championed the causes of the parents in their community school district. My desire is to continue to serve my community in a broader role, as a State Committee male, which is where I am running as a Democrat to represent the residents of district 54th in Brooklyn.
I plan to help elected officials (specially Martin Dillan and Arleny Albarado) establish a community center through which to implement an integrated strategy to upgrade human capital within the community. The objectives to be achieved are (1) to develop affordable housing and small businesses, which can create jobs for the community; (2) to assist community members with their education; (3) to develop positive relations with the police department and other public safety institutions to combat crime in the community. In addition, the center will then have some capacity to Transform communities.